jueves, 1 de agosto de 2019

RT @chesaboudin: Yesterday I introduced a plan to replace jail with mental health care, by closing down county jail #4 and expanding diversion & treatment options. Jails can no longer serve as our city’s biggest mental health facility. They are destabilizing, inhumane, and make us less safe. https://t.co/C8uflaVtil


RT @jformanjr: My latest, w @SarahLustbader. Some D.A.’s will do this because it is right. Others, maybe most, will need to be pushed. Let’s start pushing. https://t.co/LS7CYCgA41


RT @DrRJKavanagh: @JoyceWhiteVance @IAmSophiaNelson .@JoyceWhiteVance you were a US attorney for 25 years right?


RT @DrRJKavanagh: @JulianCastro Harris not being named in the suit doesn't mean she didn't do anything wrong. It means our legal system has no adequate mechanism to hold prosecutors (or police) accountable.


RT @DrRJKavanagh: Police officers have qualified immunity. @JulianCastro mentioned this last night. https://t.co/dMR8usmHcM


RT @DrRJKavanagh: The reason Kamala Harris is not mentioned in Jamal Trulove's civil suit is because prosecutors have absolute immunity, meaning they cannot be sued for prosecutorial misconduct, no matter how egregious. https://t.co/c8fxk8TM6N


RT @jamaltrulove: Kamala Harris talks about how she’s proud of her work as Ca. AG but, never as Head DA of San Francisco, where Evidence of my framing by the SFPD was covered up by “HER” Office just to get a conviction. Then as AG fought to keep the verdict upheld! #Framed https://t.co/oeIJHJsO87


RT @theappeal: Coley McCraney faces the death penalty in a 20-year-old murder case based on a match in an Ancestry.com-type database. But he's Black & the victims White. It’s just one fact raising questions about whether the right person is being prosecuted. https://t.co/wudhTbXRjN


RT @DrRJKavanagh: Co-sign. On a day of swirling conspiracy theories, this I know. People should listen to @jamaltrulove speak to his lived experience as a Black man who was framed by police and prosecutors and spent 6 years in prison. Dismiss politicians, but listen to him. https://t.co/oY9NxUf8Nv


@JoyceWhiteVance @IAmSophiaNelson I do not support Russian trolls. I am speaking on what I know. My friend @jamaltrulove was wrongly charged, framed, convicted, and ultimately exonerated. This was done under the supervision and direction of Kamala Harris. It’s a painful truth.


RT @Kanew: This cannot be repeated enough 👇🏼 https://t.co/lwNSUF0i54


I am grateful for the courage of @jamaltrulove to speak out about his painful experience of being wrongfully convicted. He lost a huge chunk of his youth in prison for a crime he never committed. He works now to make sure that what happened to him doesn’t happen to anybody else.


It’s true that @JoeBiden is the primary architect of modern mass incarceration. He said this himself multiple times while it was politically correct to do so. It’s also true that @KamalaHarris, for most of her adult life, as DA, then as AG, was an enforcer of this unjust system.


After @jamaltrulove was wrongly convicted for murder by @kamalaharris she then ran for Attorney General and won. At every turn when she was Attorney General she blocked @jamaltrulove’s case for freedom. It cost San Francisco $13.1 million. https://t.co/yz9trioTDz


My friend @jamaltrulove was framed for murder by @KamalaHarris when she was District Attorney of San Francisco. He was sentenced for 50 years to life in prison for a crime he had nothing to do with. Spent 7 years in prison before he was exonerated. https://t.co/yz9trioTDz


RT @jamaltrulove: Kamala Harris talks about how she’s proud of her work as Ca. AD but, never as Head DA of San Francisco, where Evidence of my framing by the SFPD was covered up by “HER” Office just to get a conviction. Then as AD fought to keep the verdict upheld! #Framed https://t.co/oeIJHJsO87


Trump is holding modern day KKK rallies across the country. https://t.co/G3u4ONnPl8


RT @shaunking: BIG News. 118 House Democrats have now co-sponsored #MedicareForAll. That's the MAJORITY of Democrats in the House & a HUGE milestone for what many of us hold as one of the most important legislative priorities in front of us. Universal healthcare is the standard for the world


RT @sahilkapur: Texas Rep. Will Hurd, the only black Republican in House, says he won’t seek re-election https://t.co/jz52MCMdhE


A real loss for the Republican Party. Will was 1 of just 4 Republicans who voted for the bill calling out Trump on his open racism. https://t.co/4j6QoCWn8C


RT @JoyAnnReid: Lindsey Graham's re-election strategy: introduce a bill that will let the Trump administration hold migrant children indefinitely. https://t.co/iLqizPO1sb


RT @TheViewFromLL2: The vice president, in his speech at Trump's rally, is telling the crowd that Democrats advocate infanticide. The Republican party is literally running on a platform of accusing their opponents of murdering babies.


RT @RevSethDub: I don’t know who needs to hear this, but @TerryMcAuliffe led shit that summer, doesn’t know a quarter of the story of that weekend, & has produced even less accountability for his state police failures. G to the T to the F-O-H. Lord in your mercy... https://t.co/HUUJrMA258
