miércoles, 31 de julio de 2019

@ErikaAndiola @BernieSanders Absolutely


RT @ErikaAndiola: No longer part of the @BernieSanders camp, but hearing these debates makes me really proud of our Bernie 2016 team. #MedicareForAll is on the table and Bernie is no longer the only voice pushing for it. This is what happens when candidates lead with a vision, not a compromise.


@ErinSchrode @CoryBooker @BilldeBlasio They did. Some did that first.


RT @KumarRaoNYC: Biden is very concerned about the cost of universal healthcare. Since the passage of Biden’s crime bill, our nation has spent close to $5 TRILLION on policing and jails. Why is that not concerning? #DemDebate2


@JulianCastro Shame on every single Democrat on stage for LYING with Republican talking points when they say that ANYBODY will lose health insurance under Medicare For All. It literally covers EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN. 100% of people will be covered. Not a single person will be uninsured.


RT @ElyssaK: Protestors including @TamikaDMallory and @lindasarsour just physically removed protesting DeBlasio!!! #demdebate #demdebate2 https://t.co/tTpm88UStZ


@AdyBarkan Absolutely homie


RT @AdyBarkan: The status quo is working great if you’re an insurance or pharmaceutical executive. For the rest of us, there’s GoFundMe. Is that the nation we want to be? #DemDebate


@JulianCastro I am having an out-patient surgery tomorrow for horrible chronic pain in my neck. I have private insurance through my job. And just today when I went to meet with my doctor they said the insurance won't cover it. I'm paying OUT OF POCKET on a payment plan for it.


@JulianCastro The single greatest problem with the American health insurance scam right now is that the insurance companies and filthy rich executives are literally making BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars in profit. They are profiteering off of our pain.


@JulianCastro Joe Biden is campaigning on keeping the status quo with healthcare. Now he's openly saying brave and bold plans to change the system can't be done. It's embarrassing. He's wrong on healthcare.


@JulianCastro Hundreds of thousands of us who support and believe in Medicare For All were deeply disappointed when @KamalaHarris, who literally co-sponsored Bernie's Medicare For All plan, recently broke away and has now created a weird mash up that still keeps private insurers.


RT @shaunking: @JulianCastro Thank you so much to the brave protestors right now who are chanting FIRE PANTALEO. They are speaking of the horrible NYPD police officer who murdered Eric Garner in broad daylight and has since been protected by Bill de Blasio and the entire government.


@JulianCastro Thank you so much to the brave protestors right now who are chanting FIRE PANTALEO. They are speaking of the horrible NYPD police officer who murdered Eric Garner in broad daylight and has since been protected by Bill de Blasio and the entire government.


@JulianCastro I am grateful for @JayInslee's strong focus on climate change, global warming, and a clean, green economy. His plan is the gold standard of plans in this entire race.


@JulianCastro Is Michael Bennett always this boring?


@JulianCastro Wow. Straight out of the gate, de Blasio blasts Harris & Biden for openly saying they don't want to radically change this nation and its systems. He's right.


@JulianCastro Tonight, I think Harris, Booker, de Blasio, Castro, and others have to walk a fine line of criticizing Joe Biden without ultimately giving him so much air time that he uses that time to win the night. It won't be easy.


@JulianCastro I actually think Trump would beat Joe Biden. For almost all of the same reasons that he beat Hillary Clinton. He does not energize young voters or a dozen different highly energized bases of support within the party. I would literally prefer 7 of tonight's opponents to him


@JulianCastro Biden leans over and whispers to Kamala Harris, "Go easy on me tonight kid." Yeah, really.


Tonight I'll be watching and live-tweeting the Democratic debate. I predict, again, that @JulianCastro will outperform the other candidates. Also, the bar has been lowered for Biden. It shouldn't be. He's literally done this his whole adult life.


RT @BNeidhardt: INBOX: Since yesterday @BernieSanders has: 🔘 Raised $1.1 million 🔘 Received 70,000 contributions 🔘 Won the damn debate


We should lower the voting age to 16. https://t.co/yWJ5ocwBZw
