miércoles, 26 de junio de 2019

"Yes, I'm with @BernieSanders on Medicare For All." -@ewarren #DemDebate


THANK YOU to @NYCMayor & @Ewarren for being the only two people on the stage to just stand up for Medicare For All. WOW. Everybody else on the stage just bombed. I'll never trust Beto or Booker or others again on Medicare For All. #DemDebate


Debates don't win presidencies, but @ewarren would mop the debate floor with Donald Trump.


We could really afford to cut a few of these folk from the next debate. #DemDebate


My wife said of @JayInslee has "a very earnest face." #DemDebate


I hope that @JohnDelaney is cut from the next #DemDebate. I'm not a fan.


Thank you to @NYCMayor for actually crushing this answer. I give him hell and still wish he was back home working for the city, but he is perhaps the 1st or 2nd most progressive person on this stage. He answered the questions that others on the stage dodged.


I agree w/ @JulianCastro. We need to make sure that ALL women are given equal pay for ALL work. It should be the highest priority for all leaders and must be forced.


Only @Ewarren & @BernieSanders are willing to confront the specific corruption from specific corporations in this country. She just answered Cory's question better than Cory. She's winning.


I actually think Democrats are making a big mistake by not actually answering the questions that are being asked of them. They aren't difficult questions. And I think voters are actually looking for this information. Beto flopped on this one. #DemDebate.


@Smith_JeffreyT @chesaboudin @JulianCastro I like @JulianCastro a lot


Tonight @ewarren goes first and she's KILLING this first answer. Killing it. She's perhaps the smartest, quickest thinker on that stage. #DemDebate


I have 1 favorite candidate debating tonight and 1 underdog that I like a lot. I’m firmly in Bernie’s camp, but some good people are in tonight’s #DemDebate. I’ll offer some critiques and thoughts here. Tomorrow I’m co-hosting a debate party w/ @chesaboudin in San Francisco


RT @MaraGay: A generation that feels the Democratic Party leadership has failed. https://t.co/IxHJlJrMJ2


RT @chrisgeidner: This is an embarrassing framing to come from the NYT. The *argument* made her the target of outrage. The video allowed members of the the public to see what government officials were doing in their names. https://t.co/bwkeVvf2tW


RT @shaunking: UPDATE: Melinda Katz refuses to concede in the Queens DA's race, even telling her supporters she'll call for a recount. Recounts only happen when elections are within 0.5%. @CabanForQueens is ahead by 1.27%. The Democratic Establishment will never walk away respectfully.


RT @MonicaCKlein: Field Matters: Between Saturday and Election Day, @CabanForQueens’ team knocked 120,000 doors 1400 volunteers 3500 volunteer shifts 1600 shifts on Election Day alone


WOW! https://t.co/mGsKFjKCZn


@alexandrasiera @CabanForQueens Absolutely


RT @alexandrasiera: .@CabanForQueens victory is not just a victory for Queens; it is a victory for our entire mvmt. Not only will her leadership save countless lives lost to a racist and classist criminal justice system, she will also be a reminder to a corrupt establishment that the tide is turning https://t.co/D7dvRIaoiD


RT @MonicaCKlein: “I waited over 20 years for a new DA—god bless you!” *very excited voter* meeting @CabanForQueens in Jamaica https://t.co/ELTLcljOuM


RT @ewarren: When women fight, women win. Congratulations, @CabanForQueens! https://t.co/rERCtTE0J0


RT @CabanForQueens: We can’t say: If you’re poor you stay in a cage on Rikers—but if you’re wealthy you can buy your way out. https://t.co/WfJUss9EDo
