miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019

RT @NYWFP: A statement from our state director @BillLipton on the latest BOE numbers in Queens: https://t.co/wrsMQViPTz


RT @bdlimm: NYC election lawyers cost $1,000+ per hour. This recount will likely cost @CabanForQueens tens of thousands in order to put up a fair fight in court. Katz has the County machine lawyers; Cabán has us. Please give what you can: https://t.co/JHs5zrVozR https://t.co/N5f5ZKO3wP


RT @shaunking: This is a lie and she knows it. It’s scandalous. Shame on @MelindaKatz for this. They literally threw out 2,300 votes for her to do this and she knows it. And her team keeps leaking fake, unofficial numbers. It’s fraudulent. https://t.co/oDK3iiMjoc


RT @DrRJKavanagh: Police officers have what is called qualified immunity. That is explained here. https://t.co/dMR8usmHcM


RT @jeff_kaye: "Harris cannot escape her past as S.F. DA & Calif. atty general, which incl. wrongful convictions... and inaction in other cases of law enforcement misconduct, including an informant scandal that consumed the Orange Co. DA’s office and its sheriff’s dept." https://t.co/kE12AaKJAI


RT @theappeal: BREAKING: Tiffany Cabán is now 20 votes behind Melinda Katz in the Queens DA election, after the counting of absentee ballots. Katz has claimed victory, but there are allegations of fraud by the Democratic party machine. The outcome remains uncertain. https://t.co/Cnudx0OeB7


RT @shaunking: EMERGENCY: The Democratic machine in Queens has waited until the hours before the 4th of July holiday to try to steal the election for District Attorney from @CabanForQueens. They threw out 2,300 votes from Election Day, most belonging to Cabán and now say Katz is ahead. LIES


Not a belief. They absolutely exist. And we’re uniformly tossed today. It’s deeply scandalous and unethical https://t.co/myijKzmFc3


RT @theappeal: Jamal Trulove was framed & wrongfully convicted of murder, a conviction celebrated by then San Francisco DA Kamala Harris. A pattern, say critics, by Harris who let police & prosecutorial misconduct flourish while DA & California Attorney General. https://t.co/qf6ha57RFm


RT @ryangrim: The only way erasing that lead becomes statistically plausible is if you accept all the absentees and wipe out all the affidavits (which are day-of votes). And that’s what the machine is trying. Ironic to try to use the cover of the 4th of July to do it.


RT @ryangrim: The BoE, whose Queens commissioner was appointed by Joe Crowley, is refusing to count 2,500 ballots cast by affidavits, the Cabán campaign says. The judges who may end up hearing this are also machine-appointed. But a count of all the ballots would likely be in Cabán’s favor


RT @ryangrim: Machine claiming a new lead that would be nearly statistically impossible to have pulled off. https://t.co/sjX17OB5cg


This is a lie and she knows it. It’s scandalous. Shame on @MelindaKatz for this. They literally threw out 2,300 votes for her to do this and she knows it. And her team keeps leaking fake, unofficial numbers. It’s fraudulent. https://t.co/oDK3iiMjoc


EMERGENCY: The Democratic machine in Queens has waited until the hours before the 4th of July holiday to try to steal the election for District Attorney from @CabanForQueens. They threw out 2,300 votes from Election Day, most belonging to Cabán and now say Katz is ahead. LIES


RT @chesaboudin: (1/5) Do you know your rights? I made the original video back in 2016 while walking down the street in San Francisco's Tenderloin. Click the link below to watch the full video: https://t.co/swyKQIzs6T https://t.co/ciFuhGBLfq


RT @DrRJKavanagh: Harris not being named in the suit doesn't mean she didn't do anything wrong. It means our legal system has no adequate mechanism to hold prosecutors (or police) accountable.


RT @DrRJKavanagh: The reason Kamala Harris is not mentioned in Jamal Trulove's civil suit is because prosecutors have absolute immunity, meaning they cannot be sued for prosecutorial misconduct, no matter how egregious https://t.co/rQwZo6qfW1


RT @jbenmenachem: Other prosecutors have made steps toward fines and fees reform, too. @SAKimFoxx won't prosecute people for driving on a suspended license where the suspension arose from failure to pay a ticket. https://t.co/cei6Fkjufp @theappeal @jduffyrice @ClintSmithIII


RT @WaywardWinifred: Tiffany Cabán’s Success in Queens Shines Spotlight on Grassroots Organizing https://t.co/tPbPCpHpeP


RT @PioneerWA: This article takes a look at fines and fees in the justice system and how they are a barrier for individuals trying to rebuild their lives. via @theappeal https://t.co/5VMwRCGYKO #CJreform


@WaywardWinifred @DriveThruIrony @NateSilver538 @ttagaris Strange to hear someone say @BernieSanders won’t do as well as he did in 2015 when he is literally doing 3x better at this point.


RT @ethanbrown72: Media coverage of Trulove’s case, writes @KyleCBarry, has been driven by his lawsuit against the police who framed him, but documents show that police and prosecutors worked hand-in-hand to turn a credibility-strained witness into a star witness. 3/ https://t.co/Q7p6cKuQaf


RT @ethanbrown72: Trulove, a father of four, was tried twice in the 2007 murder of Seu Kuka; he was acquitted at his second trial in 2015. In March of 2019, San Francisco's Board of Supervisors approved a $13.1 million payment to settle a lawsuit brought by Trulove. 2/ https://t.co/Q7p6cKuQaf


Just took a deep dive into this poll. What it tells me is that people are breaking away from Biden and choosing Bernie, Kamala, Warren, and others. https://t.co/LsoGxvNicf


RT @guypbenson: Best poll for Bernie in awhile. Biden now at ~30% in three post-debate surveys. https://t.co/NAHgwde7Xw


RT @jmillerlewis: Bernie closing the gap with Biden https://t.co/DtJLaNwbbz


RT @davidsirota: WashPost’s @JRubinBlogger yesterday: polls prove “Sanders likely can’t turn it around” https://t.co/5TxaAPh6JH WashPost’s own poll today: https://t.co/vuw4n0Wq14


RT @RepRashida: These photos are just a glimpse into the horrors I witnessed two days ago. Please see them for yourself and join the call to #CloseTheCamps. This inhumanity is not who we are as a country. https://t.co/AKWOXKaIl0


Wow!!! @BernieSanders has now closed the gap on @JoeBiden as Biden drops in the polls. https://t.co/LsoGxvNicf


RT @nationalparke: CNN: bernie done big trouble everything over bye voters in iowa: https://t.co/dKHsU9ei1a


RT @Bakari_Sellers: What country is this? And my friends on the right are worried about @Kaepernick7, while Trump tramples on our values. https://t.co/hqPFoAUzzn


RT @ABCPolitics: A wide advantage in perceived electability boosts Joe Biden in a new @ABC News/WaPo poll—but he is challenged by Bernie Sanders and faces a debate-energized Kamala Harris. https://t.co/LIHa9vT87b


RT @davidsirota: The entire Washington Beltway, yesterday: hey everyone pop the champagne corks and celebrate because Bernie’s campaign is over! Hurrah! Two separate major polls, today: https://t.co/bM2F5GOeVZ


RT @AdamSerwer: “When those in power are caught abusing that power in ways that are morally indefensible and politically unpopular, they will always seek to turn an argument about oppression into a dispute about manners.” I wrote about concentration camps. https://t.co/ukxaxztxOa
