lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

An absolutely ESSENTIAL read from @JamilesLartey. In Chicago, the rich have a life expectancy THIRTY YEARS LONGER than the poor. The largest known gap of any city in the nation. Poor die there at 60. Rich live to 90. This is despicable.

@Taniel @theappeal Indeed bro. We're just getting started.

RT @Taniel: Queens will likely choose its next DA tomorrow, & the results could change A TON in the borough of 2.4 million. @TheAppeal has done a ton of reporting on the stakes & contrasts for months. Check it all out in this great thread: a window into what's shaking the legal system today.

RT @JordanUhl: Pretty shameful to frame a video of a man who is tased and arrested as "interfering" then deliberately omit the part where another cop rushes up and shoves him. Fuck this.

RT @JordanUhl: Here’s the full video. Watch as the the cop enters from the right at :23 and unnecessarily escalates the situation, which ends with the young man being tased and arrested. Shameful for @ABCWorldNews to omit that part when it’s related to the outcome

RT @JordanUhl: Whoa Pay attention to the video at the 5 second mark Notice anything? The dip-to-white transition and suddenly the officer is there. @ABCWorldNews removed the part where the officer ran up on the young man from the side and started shoving him

RT @MichaelBloch15: “National political figures who want to end mass incarceration should follow Warren and Sanders’ lead: support county-level reformers who can take a sledgehammer to America’s oppressive and unjust criminal justice system.” VOTE @CabanForQueens TOMORROW!

RT @TexasTribune: 11/ Immigrants were living in overcrowded spaces and sometimes were forced to sleep outside a building where the water "tastes like bleach." "It was so bad that the mothers would save any bottled water they could get and use that to mix the baby formula."

RT @TexasTribune: 10/ We spoke to one lawyer about the conditions inside an immigrant detention center in South Texas. Here’s what she told us. "Basic hygiene just doesn't exist there."

RT @RAICESTEXAS: The American people know what's what. Despite being bombarded with hateful comments on Fox TV everyday, we know there's no 'other'. We are SO GRATEFUL to the people who are taking it upon themselves to say "NOT IN MY NAME". Keep refusing to stand idly by. Keep pushing.

RT @RealJusticePAC: We have a chance to make history tomorrow. Vote for @CabanForQueens!

RT @kylegriffin1: Breaking from WaPo: The White House moves to bar Kellyanne Conway from testifying to Congress about alleged violations of the Hatch Act.

RT @RealJusticePAC: "The reason why I became a public defender is because the work felt tied to not just my own survival but the survival of my family, my friends, my neighbors, my community. And so this is an opportunity to continue that work.” - @CabanForQueens

RT @AMDanQuart: 🚨Tomorrow is Election Day🚨 Polls open: 6:00am - 9:00pm Don’t forget to vote @CabanForQueens!

@HartleySawyer What I am saying is that if a video of a shelter meant for 150 dogs, instead had 950 dogs, literally crammed on top of each other, dying, it would be a national scandal. That actually happened to human beings.

@JoshuaMZeitz I think so too bro.

What I know about the Holocaust is that it TOOK WAY TOO LONG for concentration camps to ever be called what they truly were. They were fully fucking underway before people accepted their painful truth. The language to describe oppressive systems ALWAYS lags behind the oppression

RT @JoshuaMZeitz: Agreed.

This much I know. We will all look back on this age and remember very clearly: 1. Who fought against oppression and injustice 2. Who fought for it and funded it 3. We will remember the bulk of the silent masses who watched it all go by and did absolutely nothing.

What living under the Trump administration has taught me perhaps more than anything else is that the presence of Trump, and his inhumane policies, reveals who's who, who cares about who, what the battle lines really are, etc. in a very painful way. 3/

RT @MeetYourDA: "Unfair and discriminatory...That’s the legacy of District Attorney Lacey’s death penalty in #LosAngeles." @theappeal #DAAccountability

Nobody has experienced the depths and horrors of slavery quite like the tens of millions of Africans forced into the slave trade over the past 400 years. But Black people don't object to other people using the word "slavery." Forced bondage is forced bondage. 2/

I have to admit it is a strange thing to see some people staking claim to the phrase "concentration camps" as if only the actual camps and the words used to describe such camps can be attributed to Jewish suffering from during the Holocaust. 1/